
What is the minimum cost to make an undirected weighted(positive weight) graph disconnected.

i mean i have to find out those edges which removal disconnect the graph and their cost is minimized.

I have following ideas...

1.find out all the bridges of the graph . then the bridge edge of minimum weight wiil be the ans.

2.if there is no bridge that means all the nodes are in a cycle(i'm not sure about it). then i sort the edge according to their weight and the sum of the two minimum edge weight will be the ans.

The graph has no self loop.

Is this algo correct?


1 Answers


This question looks to be the same question answered by the study of "minimum cuts" in graphs. I would recommend the following reading here and here to learn more about why it works from a graph theoretic point of view - the link provides some pseudocode as well.

Regarding your proposed algorithm, finding the bridges in a graph may get tricky.. you would have to inspect both endpoints and their local structure to confirm the existence of a bridge.. using edge contraction perhaps would be simpler to implement.