
I have a question regarding Magento Order statuses and credit card payments.

Orders paid by cheque or money Order For Orders paid by cheque or money order, Magento starts status orders in "Pending", then moves status to "Processing" when administrator Invoices order.

Orders paid by Credit card For Orders paid by Credit Card, Credit Card Module starts orders in status "Processing"

Question We want to extract orders via Magento API. To determine which orders to extract we use the "sales_order.list" API method requesting only orders where status = "pending" and then setting orders to status to "processing" via "sales_order.addComment" API method.

With Credit Card process setting order status to "Processing", we are no longer able to identify unprocessed orders, by status alone.

Is it possible to add or re-purpose a status or add new status?


Pending - order by cheque or money order

PendingCC - Processed by Credit Card

Processing - only set by our API


1 Answers


Did you try: Admin -> System -> Order Statuses

Then go to Admin -> System -> Config -> Payment Methods -> New order status