is there a way to get the data presented by this chart:;range=1d
in csv format? I mean for e.g. what was the value of given stock/bond etc every minute? I know you can use queries to yahoo using something like
but I'm looking for a way to get a detailed daily chart numerical data (only one stock exchange day), as seen on above link. As far as I know table can give minimum resolution of one day, this does not satisfy my. I've tried to use the link above and mix it with the 'table' or 'quotes' and so on, but with no luck.
As a bonus I'd be really happy to be able to take some historical days data like above, but just current day data will be fine if getting history is impossible.
Yahoo is not a necessity - any cvs or other easily parsable format from other sites will do (as long as it's free and up to date - max 15 minutes old).
thanks for any suggestions,