I have a jquery range slider with custom steps which has two handles (min & max) selecting a closed area for filtering results in my .aspx page. Once I click confirmation button, the page postback and shows my ideal results.
But the first time i want to move the handle on the right, it's the handle on the left that moves. When i log current handle, it's always the handle on the left shows. I can't understand why.
This is part of my code:
var stepvalues = ["0", "3000", "5000"];
range: true,
min: 0,
max: 2,
step: 1,
values: [0, 5000],
slide: function (event, ui) {
Do you have any clue?
Thanks you very much.
What i want to do is the min/max range is from 0 to 5000 with 3 possible values when i move the slider. It could only be 0 or 3000 or 5000.
Now i can move the slider to display relative values, and it works when i submit the form for search. But once it does the postback, the first time i move the slider on the right, it's the left slider who moves. This is a strange behavior for me. And i want it works correctly.
When i log "ui", it has several properties:
Object { handle=a.ui-slider-handle, value=3, values=[2]}
the value of "ui.handle" is always the first handle in my slider;
the value of "ui.value" is alwyas the value of the first handle;
whereas "ui.values" contains values of the two handles.
I found it that it was difficult to manipulate $(ui.handle), I've used the following code for fix my problem.
$("#slider-range").slider('option', 'values', [min, max]);
wrapper onui.handle
– SpYk3HHvalues
should not be outside the min/max bounds – Gabriele Petrioli