I want to change the position for message(success/error) in magento. I got the code for that.
This one is layout:
<reference name="after_body_start">
<block type="core/template" name="top.messages" template="core/messages/top.phtml" before="-" />
This one is template file:
<?php $_messageCollection = $this->getMessagesBlock()->getMessageCollection() ?>
<?php if ($_messageCollection->count()): ?>
echo $this->getMessagesBlock()->getGroupedHtml();
<?php endif; ?>
This is one of the code used for change the error/success message to the top of the page.
I need to change the design for the messages. Which file contain the messages.phtml? I used this path file app/design/frontend/your_package/your_theme/template/core/
But its not working. Can any one help to change the design for this.