
Is ist possible to plot with strings as x-axe?

I have the following file:

cw15 0,577774

cw255 0,901639

cw1023 0,927813

i tired following: set datafile separator "," set yrange [0.0000:1.00000]

plot 'meanFrameDropRatio.data' u 2:xticlabel(1) smooth unique ti 'PPS 20 (Tx-Power = 200mW)'

but i just get nothing, any ideas? I'm using GNUPlot 4.6

ok, i found the solution. The problem was that GNUPlot uses Punkt instead of Comma. I had to add set decimalsign locale "de_DE.UTF-8" to solve the Problem.iFadi
Feel free to post that as a solution and then accept it (when StackOverflow will let you). That way this question will be "resolved" as far as StackOverflow is concerned.mgilson

1 Answers


ok, i found the solution. The problem was that GNUPlot Punkt instead of Komma used. I had to add

set decimalsign locale "de_DE.UTF-8"