This is more of two questions, but :
What's the best way to have a top level exception handler for my Hub? It doesn't seem possible with the current version of SignalR
Why doesn't this actually do anything on the client when I throw an error in my Hub?
$.connection.hub.error(function() { return alert("test"); });
When I debug, I can see my error method being wired up, but when I throw an exception on the Hub, I can see there's never any attempt to call the method I setup above. The only thing that happens is SignalR barfs the error to the console.
For the record, I can wire up other events just fine
//Called during exceptions just fine
$.connection.hub.received(function() {
return alert("Received Data");
//Seems to do nothing?
$.connection.hub.error(function() {
return alert("Received Exception");