Most of the examples I've found for Automapper use the static Mapper object for managing type mappings. For my project, I need to inject an IMapperEngine as part of object construction using StructureMap so that we can mock the mapper in unit tests so we can't use the static mapper. I also need to support configuring AutoMapper Profiles.
My question is how can I configure the StructureMap registry so that it can supply an instance of IMappingEngine when an instance of MyService is constructed.
Here is the Service constructor signature:
public MyService(IMappingEngine mapper, IMyRepository myRepository, ILogger logger)
And here is the StructureMap Registry
public class MyRegistry : StructureMap.Configuration.DSL.Registry
public MyRegistry()
//what to do for IMappingEngine?
And the profile I want to load
public class MyAutoMapperProfile : AutoMapper.Profile
protected override void Configure()
this.CreateMap<MyModel, MyDTO>();