
Mac OSX Netbeans JAVA

Goal: BlackJack program... Im trying to get an imageIcon of a Playing Card to display in a JLabel

Logic: I have created some CARD objects with a method to return the imageIcon associated with it. In my main GUI class it works if i create the new imageIcon specifying the file location -

    private void newGame(){

    String temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4;

    card1 = hand.dealHand();
    card2 = hand.dealHand();
    card3 = hand.dealHand();
    card4 = hand.dealHand();

    image1 = new ImageIcon();
    image1 = card1.getImage();

    //Creates DeckImage and Logo as JLabel and adds it to userPanel

    //image1 = new ImageIcon("/Users/philhunter/NetBeansProjects/PractingProgramming/src/Resources/1.png");

    card1Label = new JLabel(image1, JLabel.LEFT);



The commented out line works fine and displays the imageIcon image but when I use the card1.getImage() method then the image does not display. The method is simply -

public ImageIcon getImage(){
    return this.image;

Also, in case you need it, here is the method that creates the CARD's from the DECK class -

private ImageIcon C1,C2, ... ,C52;
private ImageIcon[] imageArray= { C1,C2,...,C52 };
C1 = new ImageIcon("/Users/philhunter/NetBeansProjects/PractingProgramming/src/Resources/1.png");
C52 = new ImageIcon("/Users/philhunter/NetBeansProjects/PractingProgramming/src/Resources/52.png");

int SUITS = suit.length;
    int RANKS = rank.length;
    int N = SUITS * RANKS;

    //Creates a deck of 52 CARD objects
    theDeck = new CARD[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < RANKS; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < SUITS; j++) {
            //deck[SUITS*i + j] = rank[i] + " of " + suit[j];
            card = new CARD(suit[j], rank[i], value[i], imageArray[SUITS*i + j]);
            theDeck[SUITS*i + j] = card;

So my question is why does the card imageIcon not display? (I am getting no error messages)

I suppose imageArray[SUITS*i + j] is an array containing ImageIcons. Are you sure it is initialized properly? And what is that C1 variable for?svz
Yes, it is an array containing ImageIcon's. The C1 variable is an ImageIcon in the DECK class, it is shown above.Phil Hunter
I edited the DECK class above to show how I initialised the Array..Phil Hunter
You should check your CARD constructor then. Are you shure that the label in the constructor is initialized properly and is added to the userPanel? Try to draw a label with some text, not with an image. This may help you locate the mistake.svz
And another advice is to replace your C1 .. C52 instantiation with a for loop. It will save you a lot of code. And an arrayList instead of an array would be more convinient.svz

1 Answers


Ok, so I found the problem. I hadn't initialized the array imageArray[] with the imageIcons properly. Silly mistake but I thought I would leave this up in case other people make this silly mistake too. :)