
I have an AWS instance using the Bitnami SVN install. I hoped this would make setting up source control easy but I'm struggling in the basic configuration. I tried following these directions: http://wiki.bitnami.org/Components/Subversion#How_to_start_with_Subversion_in_Amazon_EC2.3f

  • opened up port 3690
  • edited /opt/bitnami/repository/conf/svnserve.conf for user permissions
  • added passwords in /opt/bitnami/repository/conf/passwd
  • restarted svn with sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart subversion

However this is where I get stuck. Now I want to download the repo to my PC, and get this to play nice with Eclipse (not even there yet) so that I can store on the server the code that I have locally. But I can't figure out how to sync with my PC. I installed Tortoise SVN, I right click on a folder and select SVN Repo-browser, and I try to connect to http://ec2-###-##-###-###.compute-1.amazonaws.com/subversion/ but I don't see anything there. I tried to add a test file, and I can't seem to commit it. I get

Commit failed (details follow): The POST request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse error at line 3: not well-formed (invalid token) (/subversion/!svn/me)

What am I missing?

Also, as a side, is subversion the default repo?


1 Answers


You can access subversion with svn or with http. If you want to connect using http then you don't need to open port 3690 or modify the svnserve.conf for user authentication.

For http access:

  • add passwords in /opt/bitnami/repository/conf/passwd
  • configure apache to use basic authentication (edit the /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf file and add the Authxx directives in the location section)

DAV svn    
SVNPath "/path/to/subversion/repository"
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Subversion Repository"
AuthUserFile /opt/btinami/subversion/users.passwd
Require valid-user             

  • Restart apache sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart apache
  • Connect using http://ec2-###-##-###-###.compute-1.amazonaws.com/subversion

For svn access:

  • open up port 3690
  • edit /opt/bitnami/repository/conf/svnserve.conf for user permissions
  • restart svn with sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart subversion
  • Connect using the string svn://path/to/your/repository