I have an AWS instance using the Bitnami SVN install. I hoped this would make setting up source control easy but I'm struggling in the basic configuration. I tried following these directions: http://wiki.bitnami.org/Components/Subversion#How_to_start_with_Subversion_in_Amazon_EC2.3f
- opened up port 3690
- edited /opt/bitnami/repository/conf/svnserve.conf for user permissions
- added passwords in /opt/bitnami/repository/conf/passwd
- restarted svn with
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart subversion
However this is where I get stuck. Now I want to download the repo to my PC, and get this to play nice with Eclipse (not even there yet) so that I can store on the server the code that I have locally. But I can't figure out how to sync with my PC. I installed Tortoise SVN, I right click on a folder and select SVN Repo-browser, and I try to connect to http://ec2-###-##-###-###.compute-1.amazonaws.com/subversion/
but I don't see anything there. I tried to add a test file, and I can't seem to commit it. I get
Commit failed (details follow): The POST request returned invalid XML in the response: XML parse error at line 3: not well-formed (invalid token) (/subversion/!svn/me)
What am I missing?
Also, as a side, is subversion the default repo?