I am using Symfony2 with Doctrine2 and MySQL.
I created 2 entities:
- Article
- Tag With a many-to-many link between them.
I am trying, from a list of ID of tags, to get the OR and the AND of the Articles.
An exemple may be better:
- Article1 <-> Tag1, Tag2
- Article2 <-> Tag2, Tag3, Tag4
- Article3 <-> Tag1, Tag4
I would from a list of my ID of tags [2, 3], do a AND and a OR request, to get some articles:
- AND => [Article2] is the only which contains the both tags.
- OR => [Article1, Article2] are the only which have the tag2 and tag3
I successed to do the OR query with multiple requests in the PHP code with a loop, which is really not optimized at all. And I am afraid to do a combinatorial explosion with the number of requests for the AND. I know there is a proper way to do it in MySQL with JOIN, and I guess Doctrine2 language, both in one request, but the more doc I read and try, the more I figure out that it is not my computing level.
If anybody can help me on this point, I will be thankful.
EDIT: Here is my current solution, which is not optimized:
class TagRepository extends EntityRepository
public function getItemsFromIds($ids)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');
$qb->where('a.id IN (:ids)')
->setParameter('ids', $ids);
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
Then in my DefaultController.php, in the function which process the stuff :
$finalarticles = array();
$tagsrepository = $this->getDoctrine()
$tags = $tagsrepository->getItemsFromIds($tagids);
$nbtags = count($tags);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$articles = $tag->getArticles();
foreach ($articles as $article) {
$articlestags = $article->getTags();
$tmpnbtags = 0;
foreach ($articlestags as $articlestag) {
if (in_array($articlestag->getId(), $tagids))
$tmpnbtags += 1;
if ($tmpnbtags == $nbtags)
$finalarticles[$article->getId()] = $article;
As you can see, this method include 3 for loops (+one in the "array_in" I guess), which include a lot of MySQL call too. I am sure there is a proper way to do it in the repository!