I'm using the WiX (3.6) Burn bootstrapper to bundle a prerequisite component (Bonjour) with the setup for my program. It works great and all, but:
I'd like to add a step to the end where I run an executable from my INSTALLDIR on exit. I'm having a bit of a hard time figuring this out.
I've tried:
<CustomAction Id="LaunchApp" Directory="INSTALLDIR"
ExeCommand="[INSTALLDIR]my app name.exe"/>
But don't know where to put it in my Burn's bundle wxs file. Any pointers? Thanks!
I've also tried putting the following:
<CustomAction Id="LaunchApp" Directory="INSTALLDIR"
ExeCommand="[INSTALLDIR]Any Send.exe"/>
at the end of my app's installer MSI, but when it gets integrated into the Burn bootstrapper install, this line doesn't appear to be executed.