The following opencl code fails to compile.
typedef struct {
double d;
double* da;
long* la;
uint ui;
} MyStruct;
__kernel void MyKernel (__global MyStruct* s) {
The error message is as follows.
line 11: error: kernel pointer arguments must point to addrSpace global, local, or constant
__kernel void MyKernel (__global MyStruct* s) {
As you can see I have clearly qualified the argument with '__global' as the error suggests I should. What am I doing wrong and how can I resolve this error?
Obviously this happens during kernel compilation so I haven't posted my host code here as it doesn't even get further than this.
__kernel void MyKernel (__global struct MyStruct* s)
should it not have thestruct
keyword in between, seeing this is C? – Tony The Lion