Is it possible to define a shortcut to increase/decrease size of code in PhpStorm, like what you can do in Notepad++ with CTRL+Mouse Wheel?
8 Answers
I am able to change my PHP Storm (version 8.0.3 or later) Fonts by
- Go to File and then click Settings.
- Form Left Side Menu, Select
Tab - Check this box under
sectionChange font size (zoom) with Ctrl_Mouse Wheel
(see below pic).
In MacOS, you should navigate to the PhpStorm -> Preferences -> Editor -> General screen and check/uncheck the "Change font size (Zoom) with Command + Mouse Wheel" checkbox. I unchecked because I don't like it but maybe you do.
Moreover, you can use the finder field in the top left corner of the same PhpStorm -> Preferences dialog. Type the word "size" in this field and you will see a couple of items on the right hand side of the dialog. There are the Editor Actions -> Decrease Font Size and Editor Actions -> Increase Font Size options.
Right click each of them and choose "Add Keyboard Shortcut". Finally, press the Ctrl and numerical plus in case of Increase and Ctrl and numerical minus in case of Decrease and press OK (if you have numerical part of your keyboard).
Switching beetween Editors and zooming text during presentations or so could be complicated. If you used to do it like in notepad++ than maybe this helps if you use win:
the complete script you could find here:
and type "reset zoom". – KlaymenDK