My model have 2 Entity (Category and News) with many to many relationship: (It mean a category may have many news and a news article may belong to one or more Category).
Below is my design:
- Entity 1:
Category (attributes: categoryID, title, show, position) and a relationship with News Entity called "news".
"news" relationship has destination is "News", inverse relationship is "categories", type to-many relationship and delete rule is cascade.
- Entity 2:
News (attributes: newsID, quote, content, link) and a relationship with Category Entity called "categories".
"categories" Relationship has destination is "Category", inverse relationship is "news", type to-many relationship and delete rule is nullify.
Object graph look like this:
News <<-------------->> Category
My question is:
1> Is my designed model is good ?
2> Arcoding to my designed model, if I delete a News object from it context example like:
id newsObjectToDelete = .... [managedObjectContext deleteObject:newsObjectToDelete];
Does Category object that newsObjectToDelete belong to automatically remove newsObjectToDelete from NSSet of relationship "News".
3> If I want to constraints that a "News" must belong to at least one "Category". How to implement that constraints
Thank in advance. Sorry for poor English