I would like to get the current index of an item in a listbox that was added dynamically. Essentially my item is a HubTile, and hubtiles are added on a click event one at a time. The collection of hubtile items are held in an ObservableCollection. This observablecolelction is bound to a listbox which displays the items. To illustrate, what I have is as follows:
<ListBox x:Name="tileList" Grid.Row="0" Margin="12,0,12,0" toolkit:TiltEffect.IsTiltEnabled="True">
<toolkit:WrapPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />
<toolkit:HubTile Title="{Binding TileName}" Margin="6"
Notification="{Binding Notification}"
DisplayNotification="{Binding DisplayNotification}"
Message="{Binding Message}"
GroupTag="{Binding GroupTag}"
Source="{Binding ImageUri}"
<toolkit:ContextMenu x:Name="menu">
<toolkit:MenuItem Header="pin to start" Tap="MenuItem_Tap"/>
<toolkit:MenuItem Header="delete" Tap="deleteMenuItem_Tap"/>
ObservableCollection<TileItem> tileItems;
public TabsPage()
CreateTileList(); //starts the list of HubTiles with a single main tile
private void CreateTileList()
tileItems = new ObservableCollection<TileItem>()
//TileItem is
new TileItem() { ImageUri = mainImage, Title = "main", /*Notification = "",*/ Message = "main", GroupTag = "MainGroup", TileName = "main" },
//Set the first tile item
this.tileList.ItemsSource = tileItems; //sets the tileList Listbox ItemsSource to the tileItems ObservableCollection
void addNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
BitmapImage newTileImage = new BitmapImage();
var newItem = new TileItem() { ImageUri = newTileImage, Title = "new", /*Notification = "",*/ Message = "new HubTile", GroupTag = "TileGroup", TileName = "new" };
tileItems.Add(newItem); //update UI immediately and add to collection
private void hubTile_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
//how to get the current index of the tapped HubTile//
//var tap = (((sender as HubTile).Parent as ListBox).SelectedIndex); //NullReferenceException thrown
So, the HubTile items are correctly added to the UI, but on the tapped event I do not know how to get the selected index of the currently tapped HubTile item?