
I have a page I cannot fetch the public profile image from. Why is that, and why does it happen?

The page in question is: (WARNING: NSFW-ish images of strippers, real sorry, only example I could find - no need to view the page anyway) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Texas-Poolhouse/98758030102

I can access the page through the graph API. Notice that the results tell me the ID is 98758030102, as expected: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=GET&path=98758030102

And even get the image URL this way too: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/?method=GET&path=98758030102%2Fpicture

However, using the ID, I cannot fetch the image the way I normally do. I just get a blue question mark: http://graph.facebook.com/98758030102/picture


3 Answers


Are you sure you're using an access token from a user who can see the page? I can see the correct image when using my own access token - if you're not using an access token you're limited to the information which is publicly available and given the nature of the page it's probably limited to adults only because of its alcohol and/or stripper content.


I realize that this is an old question but I will add my answer for future searchers since this worked for me.

You say that using this as the image URL does not work. http://graph.facebook.com/98758030102/picture

Well I got curious and changed the http:// to https:// and entered my page ID in place of yours and it worked.

I am assuming by turning the connection secure it allows the graphi api to fetch the image.

This URL should work. https://graph.facebook.com/YOUR_PAGE_ID_NUMBER/picture


Adding the access_token GET parameter to the url makes sure users who are allowed to view the page image will see it (18yo++ in this case). I have, however, not found a way to, through the API, determine when or why pages are not accessible by certain users.