I have setup 3 tables in symfony:
A flipbook table, A Skills table, and a relations table, to connect each skill id with each flipbook id.
WHen I built the model, symfony constructed everything correctly, and by default gave a drop-down menu for the skills, which had all skills from the skills table as options. You can select an option and it creates the appropriate relationships.
This is working (sort of). When you submit the form, it does not add the skill_id to the record. It just adds the auto-increment id to the skills relations table and neither the flipbook_id or skill_id. Aaaaaand, if you click more than one checkbox, you get this nice message:
invalid parameter number number of bound variables does not match number of tokens
Whaaaat does that mean? This has got to be a schema issue eh?
How about some code? yes.please.
tableName: flipbook
extends: SvaGeneric
type: concrete
title: { type: string(255) }
career_associations: { type: clob }
skills: { type: string(255) }
skills_associations: { type: clob }
program: { type: string(255) }
program_associations: { type: clob }
draft_id: { type: integer(10) }
tableName: flipbook_skills
title: { type: string(255) }
foreignAlias: flipbook_skills
alias: skills
local: title
onDelete: SET NULL
tableName: flipbook_skill_relations
SoftDelete: ~
flipbook_id: { type: integer(10), notnull: false }
skill_id: { type: integer(10), notnull: false }
foreignAlias: flipbook_skills_flipbook
alias: flipbook
local: flipbook_id
onDelete: CASCADE
foreignAlias: flipbook_skills_skills
alias: flipbookskills
local: skill_id
onDelete: CASCADE
$this->widgetSchema['flipbook_id'] = new sfWidgetFormInputText(array(), array('class' => 'text size-500'));
$this->widgetSchema['skill_id'] = new sfWidgetFormSelectCheckbox(array('choices' => "**WHAT GOES HERE??**"), array('class' => 'text size-500'));
$useFields = array(
Let me know if I should provide further code or explanation.
Here is the FlipbookSkillsTable.class generated in the model:
* FlipbookSkillsTable
* This class has been auto-generated by the Doctrine ORM Framework
class FlipbookSkillsTable extends Doctrine_Table
* Returns an instance of this class.
* @return object FlipbookSkillsTable
public static function getInstance()
return Doctrine_Core::getTable('FlipbookSkills');
public function retrieveForFilter()
$res = $this->createQuery('s')
->select('s.id, s.name')
->orderBy('s.name ASC')
->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_NONE);
// if you want an empty line
$rets = array('' => '');
foreach ($res as $ret)
$rets[$ret[0]] = $ret[1];
return $rets;
public function getAllFlipbookSkills() {
$allSkills = Doctrine_Query::create()
->orderBy('title ASC')
return $allSkills;
I believe the issue is it is trying to bind the multiple values in the same record. It should make a new record for each skill chosen, like this:
id flipbook_id skill_id
1 2 1
2 2 2
3 2 3
SO I still don't have the schema nailed down correctly, otherwise Doctrine would know how to handle the data correct? Should I explicitly put one to many relationship?
Also, when submitted, it is only adding the flipbook_id value to the record. The skill_id record is 0
class FlipbookSkillRelationsForm extends BaseFlipbookSkillRelationsForm
public function configure()
$this->widgetSchema['skill_id'] =
new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array('model' =>
'expanded' => true, 'multiple' => true, 'add_empty' => false));
$useFields = array(