I'm fairly new to Perl, so forgive me if this seems like a simple question...
Anyway, I have a hash of arrays and I'm trying to retrieve one of the arrays in the hash, but all I can get is the scalar size of the array.
%HoA = a hash of arrays
$key = some key in the hash
foreach $nextItem (@HoA{$key}) {
do a bunch of stuff with $nextItem
When I do this, $nextItem is always just the size of the array and the loop only runs through one time. I've tried printing the following:
The first two give me the scalar size and the third gives me nothing...what am I missing here?
UPDATE: I'm wondering if my problem is actually the way I'm adding the arrays to the hash. Here's what I'm doing:
@HoA{$key} = split(/ /, $list);
Does that stick the array in the hash, or the array size in the hash?
UPDATE 2: I tried the following block of code:
my $key = "TEST";
my %HoA = ();
my @testarray = (1, 2, 3);
@HoA{$key} = @testarray;
print Dumper(%HoA);
Here's the output:
$VAR1 = 'TEST';
$VAR2 = 1;
Why is it only sticking the first value of the array in?