
I have the following JSF page (it's kind of typed in pseudocode, to make it visible):

        <td><h:inputText id="field1" value="#{Bean.singleField.value}" required="true"/></td>
            <ui:repeat value="#{Bean.listOfFields} var="field">
                <h:inputText value="#{field.value}/>

If field1 is not filled in (so empty) and I submit the form, the form validates to false. That's perfect. But all values I've entered in the input boxes inside the ui:repeat tag will not be restored after a negative validation. All fields are empty again! The values do get restored, if I use "a4j:repeat". Is there something wrong with the ui:repeat tag?

Kind regards,


Is ui:repeat nested in another ui:repeat?mrembisz
I see, there is a bug with nested iterative components like ui:repeat and h:dataTable but if there is no nesting I'd expect it to work fine.mrembisz

1 Answers


I'm using Mojarra version 2.0.3 and I just found this bug in JSF Facelets ... It's a bug, which is solved in a later version: http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES-1807