I'm using knitr to weave .Rnw files in RStudio on Mac OSX 10.8.1. When I compile the PDF (either with the button in RStudio, or Cmd-Shift-i), the default RStudio PDF viewer appears, and the view is set to "Auto". Is there a way that I can set this view to open to "Page Fit", e.g.? Below are the contents of a small working .Rnw file.
Thanks, RTM
\title{Sweave Min}
<<setup, include=FALSE, cache=FALSE>>=
opts_chunk$set(fig.path='figs/', fig.align='center', fig.show='hold', echo=FALSE, include=FALSE)
options(replace.assign=TRUE, width=90)
<<min, include=TRUE>>=
x <- 1+1
$x = \Sexpr{x}$