
We are installing WSO2 Carbon 4.0.1. We have the management console setup, but when we add the repository: http://dist.wso2.org/p2/carbon/releases/4.0.1 and click "Find Features" an error occurs: "Error occured while querying installable features."

What are we doing wrong?

Can you share logs printed in the console.? I tried and it worked fine.Shelan Perera
Make sure you aren't behind a proxy. If I remember correctly, carbon does not support provisioning if you are behind a proxy.Chris Snow

1 Answers


May be this is due to a network failure while connecting to the remote repository. As a workaround you can download the zip form of p2-repo from here.

Unzip it and point it as the p2-repo. (use the option, select repo from local file system when adding the repository)
