
I am having some issues trying to inject a stateless EJB into an Application Client Project. Both the App Client and the EJB are in the same EAR. Using JNDI, I am able to retrieve an instance of the EJB, but I'm not sure how should I do it with the @EJB annotation. I've tried using @EJB(name="something"), @EJB(mappedName="something"), but all I get is a null. Here is my code:

public interface TimerEjbTestService {
    public void testMethod();

public class TimerEjbTestBean implements TimerEjbTestService{

    public void testMethod() {
        System.out.println("Inside EJB.");

With JNDI I'm able to get the instance as follows:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
TimerEjbTestService timerEjbTestService = (TimerEjbTestService) ctx.lookup("TimerEjbTestService#myejb.timerejbtestservice.services.TimerEjbTestService");

Any ideas on how can I do this?


1 Answers


You can do something like this:

private TimerEjbTestService myBean;

In this way, the container injects the bean.

Also, since it is in the same ear (thus ran by the same JVM) the annotation for the interface should be @Local not @Remote.