
I am trying to create a function where I input a Security Group name and return a list of the security permissions.

How do I get a list of security permissions like read, write, full control etc. for a Security Group such as Domain Controllers, Domain Guests, etc. from Active Directory using C#?


1 Answers


You need to check the path of the LDAP connection that you are making to communicate with the Active Directory server.

For example:

 DirectoryEntry rootDSE = null;
  rootDSE = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=" + department + ",OU=Users,OU=" + ou + ",dc=corp,dc=local", username, password);

Now in that case I need only groups that exist in Department → Users → OU → DC

Same as in your case. You can define on which OU your security group exist.

After that I can fetch a group like this:

DirectorySearcher ouSearch = new DirectorySearcher(rootDSE);
ouSearch.PageSize = 1001;
ouSearch.Filter = "(objectClass=group)";
ouSearch.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
SearchResultCollection allOUS = ouSearch.FindAll();
foreach (SearchResult oneResult in allOUS)

Now in case of permissions

Permissions are stored on the individual file system items, e.g. files and/or directories - or other objects (like registry keys, etc.). When you have an AD group or user account, you can read its SID (Security Identifier) property - that SID will show up in ACLs (Access Control Lists) all over Windows - but from the user or group, there's no mechanism to get all permissions it might have anywhere in the machine/server.

Permissions for files and directories can e.g. be retrieved using the .GetAccessControl() method on the FileInfo and DirectoryInfo classes:

FileInfo info = new FileInfo(@"D:\test.txt");
FileSecurity fs = info.GetAccessControl();

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"D:\test\");
DirectorySecurity ds = dir.GetAccessControl();

I hope this is what you are looking for!