I have a set of points that are on the boundary of a concave polygon. I would like to find one non crossing polygon that have these points as vertices. In other words, I would like to order in a ccw (or cw) manner vertices of a concave polygon.
I had a look at methods to evaluate whether a polygon is ordered in ccw or cw manner (compute and sum cross products). It is not exactly my problem: I have the vertices in random sequence, and I want to order them so as to have them cw or ccw on the crust of the polygon.
I thought of taking the initial sequence of vertices, and successively identify crossings. If initial points sequence is [x1,y1 ; x2, y2 ; x3, y3 ; ...] and 2nd and 3rd points are crossing, we continue with sequence [x1,y1 ; x2, y3 ; x3, y2 ; ...]
What algorithm can you think of? what are notions behind? Do you have hints at some references?