
I have this content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,[Hello world] consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ornare luctus diam sit amet mollis."
I want to remove any thing wrap by []
so the result of this content should be removed [Hello world]
Like this

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ornare luctus diam sit amet mollis.


2 Answers


Use preg_replace:

$string = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,[Hello world] consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ornare luctus diam sit amet mollis.';
$newString = preg_replace('/\[.+?\]/', '', $string);
echo $newString;

Codepad Example


preg_replace is the way to go. It uses a regular expression to match a pattern in your input string (third parameter) and returns a string that replaces anything that matches the pattern (first parameter) with your replacement string (second parameter).

$input = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,[Hello world] consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ornare luctus diam sit amet mollis.";
$output = preg_replace('/\[.+\]/', '', $input);
echo $output;

Will give you:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ornare luctus diam sit amet mollis.
  • An important thing to realize in this case is that you need to use a \ to escape the [ and ] characters because they have special meaning in regular expressions. The Wikipedia entry on regular expressions has a section that goes over the syntax and covers other metacharacters.
  • Another consideration is that you should use + for nongreedy matching instead of * because if your input is:

    $input = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,[Hello world] consectetur [test] adipiscing elit. Mauris ornare luctus diam sit amet mollis.";

    then your output will remove consectetur which you probably don't want and give you:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit. Mauris ornare luctus diam sit amet mollis.