Is there an official story for where interface state (as opposed to persisted model state) should live in an Ember.js app?
In the "Responding to User-initiated Events" part of the Router docs, there's an example of delegating click events to a photo's "showPhoto" method, but having a model "show" itself seems like an undesirable mixing of concerns.
I understand that in many cases state should be stored in the router so that the interface state is represented in the URL and is restored if you refresh the page or send the url to someone. But what about non-hierarchical state, such as the list of items selected on a page?
Ideally that type of state would be serialized as query/hash params (eg:!dates=Sep15,Sep16p1;kind=flight&locations=QSF,YYZ&dates=Sep15,Sep23~tab=1 ) but as far as I know, the router doesn't offer that functionality, does it?
At BackboneConf, Jeremy Ashkenas said that the right way to do that in Backbone was to just store the state on the model too (he had an example of a model with a "selected" field). But I believe Tom Dale said he didn't think that was a good idea, and not how it should be done in Ember. Unfortunately I don't remember him mentioning how it should be done.