I have a formula based on a field value called TTArs
(it is a computed date/time field showing only the time, eg: 15:31, which is calculated based on other two editable date/time fields. In other words, it is the difference between the other 2 date/time fields).
The formula is something like this:
I want to calculate all the minutes in that field time displayed on that field.
The result it should be a number (I guess). I want to display it on a column in a view, but it is showing an error on that column in view:
Incorrect Data type for operator or @Function Time/Date expected.
I created a hidden field on the form where I want to store the number of minutes from the difference between the 2 date/time fields, it is computed, its name is "Untitled".
Here's the code
@If(text_orarezrs=null | text_oratrimrs=null; @Return(""); "");
seconds := text_orarezrs-text_oratrimrs;
minutes := @Integer(seconds/60);
output := @Text(minutes);
and text_oratrimrs
are the 2 date/time fields (they are not text fields). But it doesn't show anything on the field.