
I am using NuGet pack for the first time, using the AfterBuild target in the .csproj file.

<Target Name="AfterBuild">
  <!-- package with NuGet -->
  <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(BaseDir)" Command="$(NuGetExePath) pack -Verbose -OutputDirectory $(OutDir) -Symbols -Prop Configuration=$(Configuration)" />

This works fine when building the project itself with msbuild ("msbuild MyProj.csproj"). NuGet is able to find the compiled assemblies in projectdir/bin/Release or projectdir/bin/Debug.

But, this project is one of many in a solution and there is a build file dedicated to building the entire solution. The directory tree is like this:

- project root
  - build
  - src
    - MyProj
      - MyProj.csproj
      - MyProj.nuspec
    - AnotherProj
      - AnotherProj.csproj
      - AnotherProj.nuspec
  - project.proj (msbuild file)

This msbuild file overrides the output path of the Visual Studio build.


<Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="CleanSolution">
  <Message Text="============= Building Solution =============" />
  <Message Text="$(OutputPath)" />
  <Message Text="$(BuildTargets)" />
  <MsBuild Projects="$(CodeFolder)\$(SolutionName)" 
                 Properties="Configuration=$(Configuration);RunCodeAnalysis=$(RunCodeAnalysis);OutDir=$(OutputPath);" />

Now that the build redirects the assemblies to the build directory, when I run pack, NuGet can't find them. How do I get NuGet to find the assemblies in the build directory?


2 Answers


Giving NuGet a TargetPath property for where to find the assembly works for this.

<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">
  <!-- package with NuGet -->
  <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(BaseDir)" Command="$(NuGetExePath) pack -OutputDirectory $(OutDir) -Symbols -Prop Configuration=$(Configuration);TargetPath=$(OutDir)$(AssemblyName)$(TargetExt)" />

Try to define files section in your *.nuspec files, set copy Copy to Output Directory property to Copy always or Copy if newer for them in VS properties. After that all you compiled files and nuspecs will be in $(OutputPath). And then change AfterBuild to:

<Target Name="AfterBuild">
    <NuspecPath>$([System.IO.Path]::Combine($(OutputPath), "$(ProjectName).nuspec"))</NuspecPath>
  <!-- package with NuGet -->
  <Exec WorkingDirectory="$(BaseDir)" Command="$(NuGetExePath) pack $(NuspecPath) -Verbose -OutputDirectory $(OutDir) -Symbols -Prop Configuration=$(Configuration)" />