I have a diffuse+specular equation in my pixel shader, and it works pretty well except for this one issue:
When I change this: float attenuation = 1.0f / d*d;
To this: float attenuation = 1.0f / ( d*d );
My model is no longer lit, and is instead the color of my ambient intensity. I find this extremely strange. The reason I want parentheses is so I can use a different attenuation function such as ( 1 + 0.045*d + 0.0075*d*d ).
Here is my entire pixel shader:
void ps( in v2p input, out float4 final_color : SV_TARGET )
float3 ambient_intensity = float3( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f );
float3 diffuse_color = float3( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
float3 specular_color = float3( 1.0f, 1.0f , 1.0f );
float3 tmp_light;
tmp_light.x = light_vector.x;
tmp_light.y = light_vector.y;
tmp_light.z = light_vector.z;
float3 norm_light = normalize( tmp_light );
float3 tmp_pos;
tmp_pos.x = input.pos.x;
tmp_pos.y = input.pos.y;
tmp_pos.z = input.pos.z;
float3 tmp_norm;
tmp_norm.x = input.norm.x;
tmp_norm.y = input.norm.y;
tmp_norm.z = input.norm.z;
float3 tmp_cam = float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, -20.0f ); // todo: make this stuff work right in cbuffer
// light intensity
float d = distance( tmp_light, tmp_pos );
float attenuation = 1.0f / d*d;
float3 pointlight = attenuation*light_color;
// diffuse lighting
float diffuse = max( dot( tmp_norm, norm_light) , 0.0f );
float3 diffuse_final = diffuse_color*ambient_intensity + diffuse_color*pointlight*diffuse;
// specular lighting
float3 reflect_vect = 2*dot( tmp_norm, norm_light )*tmp_norm - norm_light;
float ref_max = max( dot( reflect_vect, normalize(tmp_cam) ), 0.0f );
float spec_exponent = pow ( ref_max, 1.0f );
float3 spec_final;
if( dot( tmp_norm, norm_light ) <= 0 )
spec_final = float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
if( dot( tmp_norm, norm_light ) > 0 )
spec_final = specular_color*pointlight*spec_exponent;
final_color = float4( diffuse_final + spec_final, 1.0f );
Without parentheses: http://i48.tinypic.com/357rmnq.png
With parentheses: http://i45.tinypic.com/70jscy.png
have the same precedence so they are evaluated left-to-right. It means that1.0 / d * d
is the same than(1.0 / d) * d
. I do not know then what this calculus means (it just returns1.0
), that¡s why I do not make this an answer. – SJuan76