
Android InApp Purchase when request purchase send successfully the Google Play application sends a RESPONSE_CODE broadcast intent RESULT_OK it indicates that the request was sent successfully to Google Play. when the requested transaction changes state (for example, the purchase is successfully charged to a credit card or the user cancels the purchase), the Google Play application sends an IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent As per google play docs. But I am not getting IN_APP_NOTIFY broadcast intent when user cancel the purchase . Am I going wrong or is there any problem in google play document.

Please provide the solution . Thanks In Advance!!!!


1 Answers


MarketBillingService sends

public static final String ACTION_NOTIFY = "com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY";

when users cancel his purchase, and this event is fired correctly in all my apps. You need to provide some sources and your manifest file to get more help.