I have installed the eclipse for blackberry development from the blackberry eclipse download site https://developer.blackberry.com/java/download/eclipse successfully. The current version of the blackberry JDE is 7.1.
I tried adding the other versions 5.0 and 6.0 using the Help --> Install Software feature of eclipse by adding the download site from blackberry as https://developer.blackberry.com/java/download/eclipse. But unfortunately after selecting version 5.0 or 6.0 the download fails halfway with time-out.
So I tried downloading the said jar files separately. They are
- net.rim.ejde.componentpack5.0.0_5.0.0.36.jar (250 MB file)
- net.rim.ejde.componentpack6.0.0_6.0.0.43.jar (260 MB file)
Then I tried adding them but don't know the correct way of doing it.
- tried putting it in plugin folder
- tried putting in drop ins folder
I just was unable to figure out how to include this Jar file for compiling the blackberry code for the above versions of 5 and 6 along with the simulators.
Any ideas?