Using jsf 2 and Primefaces 3.4
I am aware that there are many similar questions but none of them work on this one.
When the panelGrid "inner" is rendered with a fixed value of "true" (<h:panelGrid id="inner" rendered="true">
=> after the commandbutton is clicked the input component updates correctly the value of #{tableMatchesBean.mergedAuthorAjax},
but when the rendering of this panel is conditional: <h:panelGrid rendered="#{spellCheckBean.renderInputMerge}">
=> then the input component is silent (no trace that tableMatchesBean.mergedAuthorAjax has been invoked).
Note: I used the nested panelGrids to put the render condition in a parent element of the component that need to be conditionally rendered (the output and input components). Any help appreciated.
[EDIT after comment:] What the xhtml page does:
- when the user clicks on the "merge" option in the selectOnebutton, an ajax update toggles the "renderInputMerge" to true which causes the "outer" component to be displayed. It works fine. In this component, there is an input field, which is displayed OK.
- after the user clicks on the commandLink button, I need to retrieve the value of this input field. As explained above, I have a problem with that.
The xhtml:
<h:body style ="width:100%">
<h:form id = "currMatch">
<p:selectOneButton id ="selection" value="#{spellCheckBean.optionChosen}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="keep both" itemValue="1" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="delete both" itemValue="2" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="merge" itemValue="3" />
<p:ajax update="outer" />
<h:panelGrid id="outer" >
<h:panelGrid id="inner" rendered="#{spellCheckBean.renderInputMerge}">
<!-- **the line above does not update**, this one does <h:panelGrid rendered="true">-->
<h:outputText value="our suggestion: " style ="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto"/>
<h:inputText id ="testinput" value="#{tableMatchesBean.mergedAuthorAjax}">
<p:commandButton action="#{tableMatchesBean.next_()}"
update ="currMatch"
you changingrenderInputMerge
into true ? and expectingh:panelGrid id="inner"
to appear? – Danielcomment
element , haven't you meant<p:ajax update="outer" />
instead of '<p:ajax update="comment" />' – Danielprocess="outer"
to your<p:commandButton action="#{tableMatchesBean.next_()}...."
– Daniel