I have a sharded cluster which is set up , Since my data is seamlessly growing , I need to keep monitoring the size of data and add new shards to the cluster .
Is there a command that I could use to know how much size is utilized in each sharded server , at any point of time .
For eg . lets say I have a database , and my show dbs command from mongos console shows like this
mongos> show dbs
company 0.375GB
config 0.046875GB
test 0.0625GB
I want to know how much data is used in each shard servers . for company database .
my implemented architecture is as follows
I have a single database sharded , in which each collection is sharded . 3 shard servers running mongod instances 1 server running mongos 1 server running config instance
My whole application layer is talking to mongos directly .
I need to know this because , I am planning to build a cron which checks the available size of the shard server and if it exceeds some amount it will send a notification to administrator to show some attention .
Thanks in advance for responding to this post