How does one programmatically interrogate Win7 to get a list of all currently active global keyboard shortcuts?
In many versions of Windows there is the so called "Windows Key", a.k.a. "flag", "start key", et cetera.
Microsoft has a support article "Keyboard shortcuts for Windows" that lists many of these under the section "Microsoft Natural Keyboard keys", as well as many others the do not involve using the "Windows Key" such as the global Ctrl+C, et cetera.
Other keyboard shortcuts can be discovered by accident. For example, Windows Key + Left arrow or Right arrow in Win7 moves the focused window around the display, and, with multiple monitors, from one display to the next.
Still other keyboard shortcuts can be found in the "options" settings, for example, Left-Ctrl+Alt+K is the default for "Show KeePass Window".
Additionally, there may be hardware specific keyboard shortcuts, for example, on my laptop, Fn+F8 toggles speaker muting.
Stolen Keyboard Shortcuts
When Snagit is running, I've configured PrtSc as my shortcut, but when Visual Studio(VS) is running, it steals PrtSc from Snagit.
Two time consuming methods of manually discovered keyboard shortcuts
(a) Global keyboard shortcuts can be discovered by having only the desktop and a couple of windows open and trying various key combinations.
(b) in VS, many VS keyboard shortcuts can be discovered by trying various combinations in the keyboard shortcuts window where, if a combination is already used, VS will notify one about the current usage for that combination.
Two reasons for wanting to discover all currently active global keyboard shortcuts
(a) to avoid annoying accidents like Windows Logo Key+L which locks the computer.
(b) to determine which keys are currently still available for assignment.