I have two portlets: Display-portlet and Comment-portlet.
This shows a grid (html <table>
) for which the details come from the database. Each table row shows vendor details and has a href
that should get connected to my Comment portlet and pass parameters like vendor-name
, transcation-id
to Comment-portlet.
On each row a link is there and on select of a particular vendor his detail should pass to the second portlet.
I have tried portlet-to-portlet event mechanism which passes information through process action, so I am trying to implement the same logic over here, but my parameters are not passed to the action class.
My Display portlet's view.jsp
has the following table:
<th>Vendor Name</th>
<td align="center" id="trans_id">
<td align="left" id="vname_id">
<td align="center" id="status_id">
<td align="center">
<a href="javascript:submitForm()">click</a>
Please help as to how should I pass my each row values to other portlet.
When I try to use hidden values, by default only first value gets selected. Please suggest a solution if there is some other way to handle this.
This question may not be completely Liferay-IPC, but if a better solution provided will be appreciated.