I am working on small flash game. The game contains 20 levels and main menu. The transition between levels is made by deleting every object on the frame and also all event listeners. Then the code adds objects from the next level...
Catching and the removing event listeners is done by this code:
override public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean=false, priority:int=0, useWeakReference:Boolean=false):void
super.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture, priority, useWeakReference);
arrListeners.push({type:type, listener:listener});
private function clearEvents():void
for(var i:Number = 1; i<arrListeners.length; i++){
this.removeEventListener(arrListeners[i].type, arrListeners[i].listener);
arrListeners = []
This code overrides internal addEventListeners and makes every Listener to be added in an array. Second function checks if the EventListeners is still there(not prevoiusly removed) and the just remove every Listener from the array.
This code works fine for EventListeners that are assigned to the stage. However, when an EventListener is assigned directly to an Object then it's not added to the array, so it doesn't get removed automatically later.
I know that when you remove the object, also you remove the Event Listeners assigned to it. But when I add that object again the Listeners run twice. You can freely move through levels, so you can go back and forth. And when you go back I recieve problems. System is overused and is woring slower, because the amount of Event Listeners that are running is doubled.
So, can you modify this code or give me an advice how can I catch EventListeners that are assigned to Object and eventually remove them.
Public Class Main extends MovieClip
Public function Main()
Private function Intro():void
//Constructor contains a lot of addChild and a EventListeners. So I will upload what I think i important for this problem.
Play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicked);
function clicked (e:MouseEvent):void
clearChild(); // function that removes all children on stage
Private function FirstLevel():void
//Also adding children and EventListeners, that affect the gameplay
Next_level_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicked1);
function clicked1 (e:MouseEvent):void
Main_Menu_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicked1);
function clicked1 (e:MouseEvent):void
And so on for the next 20 levels.
Thanks in advice.