I've read a lot of articles saying that in order to use the old "Layout='Absolute'" in Flex 4, I simply have to use
But it just doesn't work the same way. On Flex 3, when you set your application layout as absolute, the X and Y properties automatically lose their utility since every component of your layout will be determined automatically by default in the top left of your screen. It works similarly as the mobile layouts: You either use Canvas to set X and Y (most used by mobile game developers) or you let the device to place everything so it will avoid screen size problems and such.
Is it still possible on Flex 4? How harder/complex is it? Thanks for your attention.
Edit -------
So it seem a little bit confuse what I want. Back to Flex e, I used to do this:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="onInit()" width="100%" height="100%"
I started my application with this tag and down there I would have a box container with 100% width and 100% height. So, inside this box container I would have HBox and VBox to align my components (now VGroup and HGroup). The thing is that in Flex 3 I could place 1 VBox, for instance, and 3 HBox inside it that each HBox would assume a position automatically one under the other, that is with X and Y properties blank. With Flex 4, when I place 1 VGroup and 3 HGroup inside without setting any X and Y propert, they'll just fill up one above the other, like if I had set X,Y = 0 to all of them. They don't assume position one under the other like it used to.