We use SVN for source control of an ASP.NET MVC website (Visual Studio IDE), and we are embedding a small Flash application. The .FLA is about 27MB, but the .SWF output is only about .3MB
Is there a precursor/layout format that our designer can work from in source control, so that
- We aren't committing/updating a 27MB binary file for every tweak in the Flash IDE.
- We get some benefit out of source control besides raw binary file backup (like being able to tell when an individual binary image asset was modified).
- Contributors can view the source assets and actionscript files even if they don't have the Flash IDE.
Ideally, I'd like to have a painfree way for the artist to keep all his/her source in our project in a way that doesn't lose data. If necessary, I suppose, keep the large .FLA file in an external SVN path, that is not checked-out in the main branch, but ideally still references the visible assets to ensure consistency. Keep the final output in the main source path, since all developers will need the output to test the site.
This document says that FLA are source files, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something then, because the one I'm looking at is 27MB. It appears to include all the assets in it too.
These two article shed some light, but didn't answer my question: Flash Source Control - Best Practices Free Flash IDE for editing .fla files
EDIT: Just found this, reading...