In lotusscript I usually do the following to create a simple email which contains a link that points to a notes database/view. Is there any way I can modify the link(appenddoclink) so that it opens an xpage? Say my xpage name is "Staff_Page".
Dim maildoc As NotesDocument, rtitem As NotesRichTextItem
Set maildoc=New NotesDocument(db)
maildoc.subject="Email Address(s) For Your Approval"
Set rtitem=New NotesRichTextItem(maildoc, "Body")
Call rtitem.Appendtext("Dear John,")
Call rtitem.Addnewline(2)
Call rtitem.Appenddoclink(db, "", "Click to open the XPage.")
Call maildoc.Send(False, "[email protected]")
I've looked at the XPages URL Cheat Sheet but those are not lotusscript. I'm doing XPiNC with some lotusscript agent.