I have an ear project which packages an ejb module and 2 war's. Each of them is declared as a maven dependency. I use maven-ejb-plugin, maven-ear-plugin and maven-war-plugin. All projects share a common super-pom, which has every project declared as a module.
When I run my ear project, changing a web resource in the war doesn't redeploy it on the server, although I checked "deploy on save" everywhere I could (war/ear).
Some information that could be useful:
- I didn't generate the pom.xml from netbeans. The projects were previously ant project which I migrated by mimicking what netbeans seems to generate from an ear/ejb/war setup.
- I sometimes have difficult times making changes in my war file. I need to clean all projects, stop the server, etc.. I guess something is wrong somewhere. I suppose just changing my files and running maven install (or hitting 'run' or 'debug') should work?
- I'm running the ear project (not sure if I shouldn't run the superpom somehow).
- Netbeans doesn't run the right url when starting browser ( /XXX-1.0-snapshot instead of /XXX , which I specified and which is the one actually working). I always have to edit it manually in my address bar. Could be related?
EDIT: Seeing this for a local project: Seeing this for a local project:
Downloading: http://repository.primefaces.org/be/valuya/xyzproj/XYZproj-ejb/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml
EDIT2: opened this netbeans bug: http://netbeans.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=218806