
I want to display products under Magento "Default Category" ? Is there some kind of URL to do that.

I tried URL rewrite and got a url like "default-category.html", but it displays a 404 error page. I did the "Index Management" too. But, that didn't help either.

Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks And Regards, Rupak Banerjee.


1 Answers



see the url

Magento products will not show in category

The checklist for whether items are in stock follows. Some will seem stupid until the first time you spend an hour trying to figure this problem out:

  • The products must be Visible in Catalog.
  • The products must be Enabled.
  • Product must have a stock Quantity.
  • The product must be set to In Stock.
  • If the product is set not to track stock, it still has to have a stock Quantity and be set to In Stock.
  • The product must be assigned to the target Category.
  • If using multi-website mode (or if you imported the products through Data Flow), the products must be assigned to the target Website.
  • You must refresh your Cache / Indices, just to make sure.

Welcome to Magento. Hope that helps!

Please let me know if not working.