Just for the sake of concreteness, consider the following super-simple Python script, in a file called add_em
#!/usr/bin/env python
# script name: add_em
from sys import argv
x = int(argv[1])
y = int(argv[2])
x_plus_y = x + y
print '%d' % x_plus_y
I can now run this script, and pass arguments to it, from the Unix command line, like this:
% python add_em 3 8
If I make the script executable, I don't even need to mention python
on the command line:
% chmod +x add_em
% add_em 41 -29
Can someone show me how to write (and run) a MATLAB script so that it performs exactly like the script above does? In particular, it must be able to read its arguments from the Unix command line (as opposed to, e.g., the MATLAB GUI's "command line"), and print their numerical sum to standard output.
NOTE: this script need not be "stand-alone"; IOW, one may assume that MATLAB is locally installed, and even that one can mention
in the command line (analogously to the first form above, where thepython
interpreter is explicitly invoked on the command line).
PS: Needless to say, this script is the antithesis of "robust", but my aim was to produce a readily conveyed example.