I am working on MDM solution and I am facing the UDID issue. We have an iOS application which is as supporting application for iOS MDM server.This supporting application can be launched after the iOS device is enrolled for MDM with our MDM server.
In device enrollment we can get device UDID at server side and we are using this device UDID as a common key for both iOS MDM and iOS Supporting application.
To login with our MDM server in iOS supporting application user has to provide userid,password and UDID we are capturing using the api [[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]
, so for authentication these 3 parameters are required.
But apple has deprecated the device UDID in iOS 5.0,so we can't use the apple API to capture the device UDID in iOS application.
Now we need some common key which is available in iOS MDM certificate and which which we can generate in iOS supporting application. So that which user has enrolled the iOS device with MDM server, only that user should be able to login in the iOS Supporting application.