
In creating a Rmd file I included an internal hyperlink:


and then further on an anchor

<a id="id1"></a> . 

When I then use Knit HTML (in RStudio) everything works fine and the internal hyperlink works fine but I also get an unwanted �

<p><a id="id1"></a>�</p>

How can I avoid getting this error?

Need a reproducible example as I can't reproduce this with RStudio 0.97.99, knitr .7, and markdown 0.5.2. Care to provide your RStudio ver and sessionInfo() output?Thell

1 Answers


I was just looking for a solution to produce a table of content and came across your question.

The above example works perfectly fine. No unwanted side effects.

My session info: R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01) knitr_1.1

Just wanted to mention that, incase somebody else comes across this question.