A controller pages, ActionIndex renders the page with the widget CListView
In the controller:
public function actionIndex ()
model = new Pages ();
$ this-> render ('index', array (
'pages' => $ model,
View Index:
$ this-> widget ('zii.widgets.CListView', array (
'dataProvider' => $ dataProvider,
'viewData' => array ('switch' => true),
'enableHistory' => true, 'id' => 'pages_list',
'itemView' => '_view',
'template' => '{pager}
Now the actual question:
In a ListView paginatore links look as follows:
http:// localhost/pages/index/Pages_page/1/
http:// localhost/pages/index/Pages_page/2/
http:// localhost/pages/index/Pages_page/3/
But in the address bar as a link is inserted - that does not correctly. These are:
Http:// localhost/pages/?/pages/index/Pages_page/3/=
And of course, do not flip over the page.
And if you re-move to any other page, the link is already in the form of:
Http:// localhost/pages/?/pages/index//pages/index/Pages_page/3///ajax/pages_list/Pages_page/4/ =
As far as I understand it, it is necessary to pick the side settings are routed to URLManager'e.
just not sure what it was.