You can create a delegate protocol and assign a delegate property to the viewController being presented modally, and make it inform its delegate when it's about to call dismissModalViewControllerAnimated after taking a picture.
edit: added some more information about implementation
On the view controller class you are presenting modally, you would declare a protocol:
@protocol YourUIViewControllerSubclassDelegate;
Then, you would add a property to your class:
@property (nonatomic, unsafe_unretained)id <YourUIViewControllerSubclassDelegate>delegate;
finally, after your call the @end on your class interface declaration, you would complete the protocol:
@protocol YourUIViewControllerSubclassDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)viewController:(YourViewControllerSubclass *)viewController isBeingDismissedWithImage:(BOOL)imageTaken;
So, inside your YourUIViewControllerSubclass, before calling dismissModalViewControllerAnimated, you would do:
[self.delegate viewController:self isBeingDismissedWithImage:YES or NO];
So, when you create YourUIViewControllerSubclass, you need to assign the delegate property. Whoever is the delegate of YourUIViewControllerSubclass needs to conform to the YourUIViewControllerSubclassDelegate protocol, and implement the protocol method. Inside this implementation of the protocol method, you would switch to whatever tab you would like to switch to.