Given a Neo4J Node with an array property, how do I create a Cypher query to return only the node(s) that match an array literal?
Using the console I created a node with the array property called "list":
neo4j-sh (0)$ create n = {list: [1,2,3]};
==> +-------------------+
==> | No data returned. |
==> +-------------------+
==> Nodes created: 1
==> Properties set: 1
==> 83 ms
neo4j-sh (0)$ start n=node(1) return n;
==> +-----------------------+
==> | n |
==> +-----------------------+
==> | Node[1]{list:[1,2,3]} |
==> +-----------------------+
==> 1 row
==> 1 ms
However, my query does not return the Node that was just created given a WHERE clause that matches an array literal:
neo4j-sh (0)$ start n=node(1) where n.list=[1,2,3] return n;
==> +---+
==> | n |
==> +---+
==> +---+
==> 0 row
==> 0 ms
It's entirely possible I'm mis-using Cypher. Any tips on doing exact array property matching in Cypher would be helpful.