I am using iOS 6.0 beta and my rotations do not work anymore.
Where can I set a UINavigationControllers supportedOrientations?
According to this http://news.yahoo.com/apple-ios-6-beta-3-changes-182849903.html a UINavigation Controller does not consult their children to determine whether they should autorotate.
I am not using shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: anymore as it is deprecated. Instead I am using supportedInterfaceOrientations: and shouldAutoRotate: and they are working fine until I place a ViewController into a NavigationController (as a Child). From then on the orientations specified in the ViewController do not work anymore. It seems it is using the orientations set by the navigation controller (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAllButUpsideDown)
How can I set the InterfaceOrientations for the NavigationController so that my ViewControllers are locked to Portrait-Orientation?
Do I have to subclass UINavigationController and set the InterfaceOrientations there? Isn't it bad practise to subclass UINavigationController still in iOS 6.0?
Thanks for you help heaps!