Hoping someone can help me with some VBA code. I use a VBA loop to paste Excel charts, text boxes, and tables into a Powerpoint template. However, because I cannot be sure that the user will have the Powerpoint Object Library installed, I cannot use the Dim PPTApp as Powerpoint.Application type syntax.
I use objects. It works great. Except for one piece: closing Powerpoint.
Dim oPPTPres As Object ' Late binding: This is a PowerPoint.Presentation but we cannot assume that the Microsoft PowerPoint 11 library will be loaded in the workbook that this module has been copied to.
Dim oPPTShape As Object ' Late binding: This is a PowerPoint.Shapebut we cannot assume that the Microsoft PowerPoint 11 library will be loaded in the workbook that this module has been copied to.
PPTFile = Range("PPTFile").value ' Read PowerPoint template file name
Set oPPTPres = GetObject(PPTFile): oPPTPres.Application.Visible = msoTrue ' Switch to or open template file
. . . .
strNewPresPath = Range("OutputFileName").value
oPPTPres.SaveAs strNewPresPath
' Range("PPTFile").value = strNewPresPath
ScreenUpdating = True
oPPTPres.Close 'Closes presentation but not Powerpoint
oPPTPres.Application.Quit 'No noticeable effect
The active presentation will close, but Powerpoint itself stays open (with no file window open). Then, because it is open, when the next one runs (I have a loop that will loop through and do many of these builds back-to-back), it opens up the template as well as the latest built Powerpoint file, creating system locking issues.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much for your help!